Advancing Science Journalism in the MENA Region: Recap of Training Program and Follow-Up Sessions

“Science Journalists in the MENA Community” recently concluded its three-month training program, “Introduction to Science Journalism,” which ran from January 15th to April 19th. Developed in collaboration with the Open Notebook, the program included recap sessions conducted in Arabic.
Following the completion of the program, seven follow-up sessions were conducted by Arabic trainers Nouha Belaid, Mooatasseem Baroudi, Ahmed Esmat, Amr Rageh, Fatma Yassine, and Alya Abou Shahba. The final session was led by Emily Laber-Warren, a writer, co-creator of The Open Notebook, and professor at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York.
The aim of these sessions was to provide additional details and insights to complement the course material, facilitated by experts from the Arabic-speaking community. Over 100 participants joined the training program, with 16 journalists ultimately receiving a final certificate after attending all sessions.
This initiative reflects our ongoing commitment to the development of science journalism in the MENA region, as we strive to foster a community of skilled and informed professionals.